ARTEUS – The ultimate pack of prompt cards for Artists
First of its kind – designed, printed and built here in Derbyshire – made for artists, by artists.
ARTEUS – for all ages!
Discover and unleash the artist in you.
Get past limiting beliefs about what you can create -Make this your best art ever!
Have you tried reading a #selfhelp book and got even more stuck with the “exercises” they ask you to try and the stuff you have to fill in? Imagine if picking just one card from a stack on any given moment – could make magical things happen…
This deck of 52 laminated cards for play(ing) are designed for inspiration, affirmation, motivation and conversation.
Splay them out and select just one, to spark your magic.
Prompt cards packed full of ideas, advice, thoughts and skills – This is the stuff to get you started and the ability to keep you going.
Carry them with you, pop the tin in your pocket, have them on your nightstand for a morning hit, prop them up on your desk – or why not gift them to the artist in your life.
Pick a card at random and act on your art.
Use it to focus your mind and reflect on your practise.
Each card has a different hand-painted individual custom illustration by me and shows you specific ways to reframe what you do best.
With a beautiful satin finish to each card, printed in Derbyshire, this set comes within a tin, on the base of which is a QR code for the recipient to scan to watch a video to see what the cards are about.
These are ideal for any artist struggling to know where to start, someone who has talent but simply cannot see it for themselves… and they can almost certainly be deployed in any creative field.
Imagine how selecting a single card from this magical deck can be life-changing for anyone who needs help with that spark of imagination.

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